STUFF FOR SALE! make an offer! (Prices are for gen public; Stephanie can certainly offer less!)
Baby Grand Piano, 100+ year old Chickering and Sons. Wonderful instrument. Can use some new strings in the low end but it sounds and...
FOR SALE! Cheap prices, make an offer!
SPEAKER STANDS excellent condition, Best offer SITAR acoustic, in good condition. Needs strings but I think is otherwise a good...
Almost Nothing!
OK, today almost nothing close to "productivity" occurred. I actually had a good day, did worthy, fun stuff, but definitely was not...
Not a Major Success, But Not Total Failure
Just Day 2 but I think this was a good idea. Didn't compose a note but I did continue to organize studio, swam twice, practiced cello...
Time to Put Up or Shut Up!
I have periods of productivity and periods where I'm a total lazy POS. Music, and other good things, aren't going to happen by...
Testing, testing, 1...2...3...
Why not start a blog. Music. It's cool. It's vital, even. More to come.